
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Profile: The Whole Ever After Squad

Okay, I know my blog is in dire need of updating, so I'm gonna try to get a lot done in one go.  This is my entire Ever After collection.  Some of them have new heads, most of them have new hair.  But after Mattel canned Ever After High, this is what I have. I'm just calling them Ever After, because it's 2020, I figure they've graduated by now.

This is Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen.  She's a reboot sculpt head on an original body with custom rooted hair.  She is the oldest of all the Ever After dolls I own and has the biggest wardrobe.  She has a lot of factory made clothes, some home made stuff, and some Etsy bought clothes too.

This is Madeline Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter of Wonderland.  She has a reboot sculpt head and an original first chapter body, and multiple sets of hands for different gloves.  She was my third EAH doll, and in my headcanon, she's Raven's one true love.  Don't argue, it's my headcanon, I can do what I want.  She has a lot of clothes too, with a couple decent outfits I made myself!

This is Kitty Cheshire, daughter of the Cheshire Cat of Wonderland.  She was my second EAH doll, because I love purple.  She's the Spring Unsprung Kitty Cheshire with her original head and hair.  She's the only one who hasn't had any major modifications.  Can't mess with perfection, right?  I crack-ship her with Darling Charming.  Why?  Because I don't like Apple White....

This is Darling Charming, daughter of Prince Charming, with a reboot head, rerooted hair, on an original body.  She is the only one with a sword.  I bought her a sword and shield from an Etsy shop that's closed now.  She doesn't have a lot of clothes, but she doesn't want that much.  She looks good in girly dresses, sure, but I let her be more casual and relaxed around here.

This is Briar Beauty, daughter of Sleeping Beauty. She's a reboot head, rerooted hair, on an original body.  I love their smiles, okay?  I really like my dolls to be smiling.  I traded a Farrah Goodfairy for this girl a few years back. I need to work on her wardrobe, I have a few dresses, but they all look the same to me.  I'm gonna make her some casual wear.

Last but not least is Miss Pouty-face!  This is Faybelle Thorn, daughter of the Evil Fairy.  Original head, original body, rerooted hair, and I modified the faceup myself. I'm pretty pleased with it.  I got her last to pair her up with Briar, I think they go well together.  Since they only made one doll of her, she has the smallest wardrobe.  Something I'm working on fixing.  I got her a cute dress off Etsy, and I have a lot of sewing to do.

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