
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Profile Update: Mika

Head: Parabox pink rooted head
Body: Obitsu 11cm
Arrival Date: March 12th, 2015
Age: Chibi
Gender: Female
Species: Chibi
Occupation: Freelance Adventurer
Personality: Adorable, adventurous, Fun-loving 
Likes: Riding in purses, Dungeons & Dragons, her new roommate, Spooka
Dislikes: Staying home, being alone, not having fun.
Status: Active

Mika has been with me for years, since 2015 I think.  First, she was a catgirl, but I was never entirely satisfied with how that looked. When her cat ear broke off, I put her away for a while. This spring, I decided to give her a new head, a new roommate, and a new lease on life.  She is fully humanoid now, with long pink hair instead of short blonde, and I'm really happy with her new faceup.  I'm keeping her hair long this time so I can style it and have fun with it.  Her short bob was cute, but I couldn't do a thing with it. Overall, I'm happier with Mika now.  I think she's cuter this way and reflects my tastes in dolls more.

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