
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Profile: My Monster High Squad


I have fewer Monster High dolls, I was late to that party, but I have a few!
Ari Hauntington was my first Monster High girl.  I know she's from the dreaded reboot, but she's so pretty. I tried to support the reboot anyway because I was afraid the dolls would be gone for good...  And they were anyways.  But still, I love this girl.  I wish she got a bigger role in the movies.

Moanica was my second Monster High girl.  She's a grumpy sourpuss, but nobody's perfect.  I know she's not Ghoulia, but still.  I love her brain-textured accessories.

I honestly don't remember when I got Kjersti Trollson, but she was the only one I got in a store.  She's the gaming nerd, so super relatable. She has a very pixel-y retro aesthetic.

I won my Zomby Gaga doll in an online contest, in early 2017.  I never win anything, so it was a special treat!  I'm both a doll fan and a Lady Gaga fan, so I was very excited to win this doll.

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