
Monday, December 29, 2014

2014's Last Doll Meet

At the very tail end of a great year, some of us got together for one last doll meet before 2015.  Good turnout, lots of dolls, lots of fun, and if you know me, lots of pictures!  Gave my new camera a workout.

Tandrelim Photobomb!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Comrade's Wig

As some of you may know, Amiga's getting a new friend soon, a boy named Comrade.  Well, his wig came in before he did, and I had to make sure it was the right size, so I had Amiga put it on.  It actually looks really good on her, lol!  But it will be perfect for Comrade, who should arrive in January.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lola's Holiday Swap Gift

Today's been busy for the dollies!  Lola's present came in too, and she was very excited.

This is enormous!  What could be inside?

Amiga & Tandrelim's Christmas Swap

Amiga and Tandrelim live close by, so they got to exchange gifts in person!  A wonderful time was had by all.

Merry Christmas Tandrelim.  This is for you!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Amiga's New Eyes

She got new eyes today!  Not really worthy of a whole gallery, but good for a one-shot.  And I love her expression in this one. :D  I'm switching my pic to this one.  She's just got the best smile!  I love this doll.

I got the eyes from Captured In Glass.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

November Doll Meet

Today was a fantastic doll meet.  It was wonderful to see people again and we had a blast!

Amiga and I hung out with old friends and made new ones.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Gallery: Amiga's Fashion Show 2

It's been a very long time since I had a good ol' fashion show, and Amiga's wardrobe has improved, so let's see it!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Our New Home

I hope all my fans get to see this.  This is our new home,  Sadly, I was locked out of my old account and in spite of chasing customer service, cannot access it again.  I won't let that be the end of my blog.  We will persevere!  I've painstakingly copied over every single post from the original, and now all updates will be here.  Thank you all for loyally following me and my dolls to this new address.  Talk to you soon!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

2014 Winter Swap

Happy Holidays! I know Halloween isn't past yet, but I want us to get plenty of time for the busy winter months. We all love to spread the good will and cheer, so let's do a swap!

October 21 - November 15th: Sign ups
November 16th - December 15th: send your swaps

Please keep the swap item under $15.
Please keep the swap item tasteful and appropriate.
Please stay in contact with your swap partner. Contact me if something's up so I can help.
Please package your swap item well so it won't likely be damaged.
Please mind the dates and send the swap item on time.

[picture of your doll]
Doll's name:
Doll's size:
Doll's preferred winter Holiday:
Doll's bio: (age, gender, personality, any other info you want to include)
Allergy info: (Do you have cats/dogs/some other furry critter? Is there a smoker in your home? Are you allergic to cats/dogs/other furry critters/smoke?)
Are you willing/able to ship internationally:

Apply on Dollieh Sanctuary here!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Tutorial: Drafting Patterns

At long last, the tutorial I've wanted to do for a long time, pattern drafting!  Making your own patterns has lots of benefits.  It saves money, it guarantees a better fit for your doll, and you can make an item you like again in other fabrics without having to take the measurements all over again.  And introducing Tandrelim, my sister's housemate.  Tall, isn't he?  Well, onto the highly anticipated tutorial!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Gallery: Find Amiga!

 Okay, I know this is a little silly, but I wanted to post pictures of my new apartment, and I wanted more doll pictures.  So I did a little Where's Waldo thing and put Amiga in every picture.  Be amused!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Interview with Amiga

Jobee: How do you like living with your roommates?
Amiga: They're all very nice. I feel a little awkward, being the tallest of Jobee's dolls, but her sister has a roommate taller than me, so we hang out when we can. Zeebee is quite an interesting character, coming from outer space and all. Lola is very mature and intelligent. Feebee likes to relax in comfy sweaters, and Gabby is always getting into trouble somehow.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Gallery: Amiga's Summer Swap from Dum-E

Today, Amiga got a big package from Dum-E (and Loki and Tony) in London!  Here's what Amiga received and her reactions to it.

Tutorial: Slip-on Shoes

Hi guys!  It's been a wicked long time since I posted a tutorial, and this was a learning experience for me, so I thought I'd share it with you.  Here's how I made a pair of dolly shoes!

The finished shoes

Monday, August 11, 2014

Gallery: Amiga's Packages

Since I'm making a teensy bit of money now, I was able to score some low-priced things on Ebay for Amiga.  Rather than make a blog post for each one, I waited to make this blog post to show them off all together.  This is what I bought her. ^_^

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Amiga's New Faceup

Been meaning to do this for a while.  I was unhappy with Amiga's lashes and eyebrows.  I also wanted to add some color to her cheeks.  This was a challenge with acrylic paint, but dabbing a cotton ball into watery paint did the trick!  The mouth is the same because I really like it.  Here's a side by side comparison.

<-- Old one | New one -->

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Gallery: Amiga's Summer Swap from Bird

Amiga's been a very busy girl this summer.  She's done summer swaps with two people!  This is the gifts she received from a boy doll named Bird.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Gallery: Amiga's Fashion Show

Woohoo!  I've made a bunch of clothes for Amiga over the past month, workin' my little fingers to the bone.  Here's the fabulous payoff!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Shar'a's Debut

After being gone for so long, and put in good hands, Sharlindra is reborn as Shar'a!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Makie Dreams

When I saw Makies, I went crazy over them. I wanted one really bad. No, I wanted two, one to be me and one to be my Hubby. Why did I want them so bad? Not because of their faces. Not because of their bodies. Because of their glasses and shoes. Tons of different styles guaranteed to fit. I wanted them so bad because of glasses and shoes. Seems silly now, doesn't it? Yeah. I wanted glasses and shoes to fit something for a change. Totally not worth getting a whole doll for.

I'm gonna see if their glasses will fit dolls I have, because I love glasses, but other than that, I've decided to let go of the Makie dream and focus on the precious dolls I have. <3

Maybe you will like them.  Check them out at

Monday, March 31, 2014

Profile: Amiga

Name: Amiga
Head: Parabox Sheba
Body: Obitsu 60cm BJD style
Arrival Date: Feb 24, 2014
Age: Mid 20s
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Fashion model, aspiring romance writer.
Personality: Patient, a good listener, creative, kind.
Likes: Writing, fashion modeling, daydreaming, her cat, pale colors, silver, art, fresh food.
Dislikes: Watching TV, loud music, dark colors (afraid of staining), very processed food.
Status: Active

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Dolly Meme

This is something I haven't done before, a dolly meme.  It's a bunch of questions and I answer them.  I found this one on Moonlight and Crystal

Who was your first doll? Do you still own him, her, or it?
My first doll was Lola, originally Newbie.  I still have her.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Gallery: Amiga explores the backyard

Here's my first photoshoot back in the saddle!  The pictures are taken with my phone, so they're not as clear as they used to be, but I think they're still quite nice.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Amiga's Face-up

Hello again!  The next step in Amiga's adventure has come; her face-up.  I didn't go for very realistic.  I went for cartoony and cute.  And her eyes aren't in, so I borrowed a pair of eyes from my sister.  Here's the results!

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Return of Dollies & Stitches

After a 2 year hiatus, I have returned to the dolly fandom.  I went a little crazy with the Hujoos and burned out for a while there, in addition to real life stuff.  But now I'm back!  And I bring with me a beautiful 60cm Obitsu named Amiga.

There she is hanging out with some My Little Pony stuff.  Yes, I'm a Brony, or Pegasister.  Her first outfit is, of course, made with socks.  Today I will take her to the fabric store to choose the materials for her first outfit.