
Friday, October 17, 2014

Tutorial: Drafting Patterns

At long last, the tutorial I've wanted to do for a long time, pattern drafting!  Making your own patterns has lots of benefits.  It saves money, it guarantees a better fit for your doll, and you can make an item you like again in other fabrics without having to take the measurements all over again.  And introducing Tandrelim, my sister's housemate.  Tall, isn't he?  Well, onto the highly anticipated tutorial!

 First you want some paper.  I use paper grocery bags because it's flexible, big, and durable.

Next, you lay your naked doll on it.  Sorry Tandrelim, but it's for a good cause!

Trace around your doll's body.  Give it an extra inch if you're making the pattern for a big doll, and just a centimeter if it's for a small one.

If your lines are kinda wiggly or too light, you can go over them with a ruler.

Now cut out your pattern.  Easy as pie!
Another way to make a pattern that's better for tricky areas like feet is to take measurements.

Make lines on the paper that match the measurements and trace lines from one mark to the next.
 Now you've made some patterns.  Tadaa!  Happy sewing! :D

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