
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Unboxing: Second Twyla Boogiemonster

The last 3 Monster High dolls I've gotten, I've said, "This will be the last one!" but you know me.  There is never a last doll, is there?  I already have a Twyla doll, but this one plays tabletop RPGs, so I had to have it!

Here's her back card.  I cut out the artwork to keep it.  I wish I'd done that with all my dolls.  Twyla looks a lot like an Ever After High doll in this outfit.

Here's a close up of her face.  Sorry for the shadows, I was unboxing at my desk with my sister over voice chat, so my pics aren't as professional as I try to do usually.  Shoutout to bi pride eyeshadow!

Here's some of the accessories she comes with.  Two 12-sided dice, two bunny figures, a character sheet, some snacks, and a little castle playset that I forgot to include in the photo.

This is my original Twyla from 2022 next to Fearbook Twyla from 2024.  I really love them both, Twyla is so precious!  The dolls are the same height, second Twyla just has thicker shoes and a taller hairstyle.

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