
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Chatter: From a strong current, to a trickle.

Last time I had one of these long, wordy entries, I had finished collecting everyone I wanted from the Monster High cast and was wondering where to go from there.  At that point, I'd decided to work on FailFix and BFFs, and  I then proceeded to buy every FailFix doll in rapid succession.  I went a little crazy, and ordered every character I wanted and all their pets.  I unboxed most of them, some of their pets are still in the packaging.  The reason I binged was because I was anticipating my husband's layoff and wanted to stock up on dolls when the going was good.  (I also stashed a lot of money in savings, don't worry!)

So, the inevitable tech company layoff waves happened, and now my doll collecting has gone from a strong current to a trickle.  I tried to go entirely cold turkey and stop buying dolls altogether, but I was losing my mind, so my husband took pity on me and ordered Snow White, saying I could get 1 playline doll a month, so I would stop acting like a drug addict suffering withdrawals.  The euphoria from opening Snow White lasted 3 days?  Dolls are a drug to me now...

I got Snow White, I think on September 29th.  It is October 8th, the box opening euphoria is over.   What do I do in the meantime?  Well, I haven't put Snow into storage yet. all her stuff is on my desk.  She sits or stands at my computer desk all day for now.  I've done some drawing of her, a portrait and a fashion template, for me to brainstorm outfit ideas on.  Of course, fashion ideas don't go anywhere until there are patterns.  I'm not 100% sure, but I think Snow White fits "classic" Barbie patterns, but I don't have any, so I've been working on the arduous task of drafting some multipurpose patterns for Snow.  I think some of the other Disney princesses are taller than Snow, so I'll have to make taller versions when I get taller dolls.  Their torsos are the same, the extra length is in the legs, as usual.

So it's been a week since I had my last new doll, and I think I'm holding over reasonably well.  I'm doing a good job maintaining focus on Snow and her patterns and fanarts are coming along nicely.  I've also pulled out less new dolls to finish unfinished projects for them.  I really wish I could display my dolls.  When they're all stored, I feel doll-less.

As much as I'm trying to have as much fun as possible with Snow, I am looking forward to the next Disney Princess next month.  I think it will be Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.  These Disney Princess dolls are incredibly beautiful in person.  I was in awe of Snow White for 3 solid days.  Not to mention the copious amounts of lore fairytale princesses have.

I've come back from having a dinnertime video call with my family and completely forget what point I was trying to get to... Oh well.

My Patented Keep Myself Amused with One New Doll For an Entire Month Checklist
X Take unboxing pictures
X Draw fashion template
X Draw portrait of doll
X Draft patterns for doll
_ Sew outfit for doll
_ Doll photoshoot in new outfit
_ Draw more doll fanart
_ Write fanfic about doll
_ Take doll to local doll community meetup
_ Outdoor doll photoshoot

See?  I'm full of ideas.  I have plenty more shit I can do with Snow White.  I won't need a new doll before next month, heck no.  I'm gonna take my time, get to know this Snow White doll, and make her some cool shit.  I'm totally not jonesing for a new doll on day 8...  Me and Snow got this!

Also, I have a crap ton of older dolls that need new photos taken, since my photo hard drive bit the bullet earlier this year...  I could also pull some photos from this blog and my Instagram, but you know.

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