
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Unboxing: ArteePup from FailFix

Part of FailFix wave 2 was pets that also needed makeovers.  The process is largely the same minus the outfit.  This is PrettyArtee's pet, ArteePup. 

This is ArteePup in the packaging.  Her hair is jelled straight out in one direction.

ArteePup comes with a bubble mask, a hat, a guide, and a comb.

This is how ArteePup looks with the bubble mask on.

This is ArteePup with the mask removed and her fur combed.  This will definitely need a shampoo.

This is ArteePup after a hot rinse and shampoo.  Finally got that fur to lie down, but it's a little too long in the front.

I don't normally cut doll hair, but those insanely long strands in the front were really bothering me, so chop chop.

And the final reveal!  Her mane is extra frizzy, so I might go back and condition it.  But she's a good looking dog.  Fun fact, her design is based on an Afghan Hound.

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