
Friday, June 2, 2023

Monster High Plushies Gallery & Review

They came out with plushies.  I decided I needed them all.  I could only find them on eBay.  They're so cute, I don't care.


Clawdeen's plush looks really good.  The printing on all of these is pretty solid.  I like their enormous eyes, you know I like enormous eyes.

Cleo looks good too.  These things are not very soft, by the way, squishy, but not fuzzy.   Their bodies are made of printed polyester, and their hair is made of very stiff felt.  They do have a handy ribbon on their head though, so you can dangle them from your rear view mirror.

There's Frankie, she looks so happy to be here.  I think they tried to make these dolls look like those yarn ball good luck dolls, or voodoo dolls.

Lagoona is a cute little pastel fish monster.

Draculaura is the lowest in stock everywhere I found her, she sells out fast.  I'm glad I found a bundle with all 6 of them.

Count Fabulous is the only pet to get a plushie.  I hope they make more.

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