
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Profile: Mika

Name: Mika
Head: Parabox blond rooted head
Body: Obitsu 11cm
Arrival Date: March 12th, 2015
Age: Kitten
Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Occupation: House-cat, adventurer
Personality: Adorable, lazy, adventurous, distractable
Likes: Sleeping, riding in purses, Dungeons & Dragons, clothes
Dislikes: The big cats, losing limbs, chores or other work
Status: Ear damaged, waiting on repair

Mika started out a year ago as a little white cat-shaped eraser I got to be Amiga's pet.  At first just an accessory, the white cat became more important to Amiga, so she was reshelled to a tiny beanie baby white cat and named Mira.  Mira has been a loyal and dutiful friend, constantly either in Amiga's lap or next to Amiga.  In a stroke of genius, I decided to make Mira a doll of her own!  Now she is a cat-girl, and has been re-named Mika.

Mika's construction was a group effort.  I found all the components I needed, but with my shaky hands, I needed some help too.  Her adorable faceup is a collaboration of myself and my steady-handed and talented roommate.  My hubby, who normally hates dolls, helped me attach her ears and made her tail out of various sizes of chenille stems.

Mira was named after the blacksmith's wife in Diablo III. I renamed her Mika because it's cuter and rolls off the tongue easier for me.

Nowadays, Mika goes places with me in my purse, especially D&D.  She has a t-shirt with a d20 drawn on it, and I've bought her tiny dice and made a D&D handbook her size.

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