Thursday, October 17, 2024

Progress Report: Shadow and Lucas

The heads arrived yesterday.  They look awesome.  Their jaws and chins are a little bigger than I'd normally like, but they are masculine, it kinda comes with the territory.

Here are their bodies.  They're YMY bodies, the same company that made Mika and Spooka's new bodies.  They come with optional genitals, but I'm just gonna store those.  I don't want their genitals to interfere with clothing.

Here's my first picture of them put together.  The heads are a little big, but I happen to enjoy big doll heads, so I think it'll work out.  Their hair goes to their ankles, and is soft and beautiful.


 Here's Lucas's first faceup.  It was very hard, and I'm not 100% happy with it, but at least now he has eyes.  I think his lips are too dark and his eyelids are too dark.

Here's Shadow's first faceup.  I think it looks a lot better than Lucas's, and will probably keep it.  Still think the lip is too dark, so I might redo it, but at least his eyes look passable.

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